
Have you ever found yourself adrift in the stormy seas of unemployment, skills and qualifications notwithstanding?

Renowned HR practitioner Esther Sodunke has walked that path, and in "Mentorship Makes Sense," she shares an empowering tale of triumph over a 14-month ordeal of joblessness through the guidance of an experienced mentor.

This deeply personal narrative isn't just another mentorship guide; it's a candid, lived experience that lays bare the emotional turmoil of prolonged career stagnation.

From the gut-punching blows of lost confidence and anxiety to the hard-won victories, Esther Sodunke holds nothing back, inviting you into their journey as a "warrior mentee."

But "Mentorship Makes Sense" is more than a story; it's a roadmap to conquering your own professional struggles.

Through hard-earned wisdom and insights distilled from organic mentoring sessions, this book equips you with practical strategies to navigate the employment landscape.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all advice and hello to a tailored mentorship experience that fortifies you with the tools to overcome any career obstacle.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, this book will inspire you to embrace mentorship as a transformative force.

Let Esther Sodunke's odyssey ignite your determination, renew your self-belief, and reveal mentorship as the powerful ally it truly is – a lifeline that makes sense in every career journey.

What You Will Learn From This Book

You will discover authentic insights into the emotional challenges of prolonged career stagnation

Practical strategies and guidelines for an effective mentee-mentor relationship

Valuable nuggets on leveraging mentorship to navigate career obstacles

Evidence-based best practices in mentorship organically derived from real sessions

A compelling case for why "Mentorship Makes Sense" for professional growth

A unique perspective from an experienced HR practitioner's mentee journey

Renewed self-belief and motivation to embrace mentorship as a powerful career tool

Hear What People Are Saying About The Book...

Overall, this is a very concise and well-written book! I loved how you simplified it and gave opportunities for the reader to pause, reflect and challenge their thoughts. This book offers in-depth insights into the journey of mentoring, including what to look for in a mentor. I like that it is not just theoretical but also very practical. The 10 Powerful C’s also incorporate reasonable steps to follow during mentorship. I particularly enjoyed Chapter 6, and believe inter-racial mentorship can take someone’s career to new heights. From an HR professional’s point of view, this type of mentoring can allow inclusiveness in the workplace. I am honoured you shared your book with me.

Maiden Oliver

HR Business Partner

Without a doubt, this is one book I will recom­mend to a potential mentee first, and then a men­tor. “Mentorship Makes Sense” is unique because it draws on a mentee's lived experiences; it is definitely the most comprehensive and ever­green book. It takes readers on a theoretical journey and then brings us back to that practical experience, which brings authenticity.  I am im­pressed, and I see it going places and delivering needed solutions to people.

Personally, I like the part on timeless wisdom on mentorship and how the mentee's faith shines throughout the book. It is a breath of fresh air to also see that inter-racial mentoring can help reduce the barriers that marginalised communi­ties face.

As a family member of the author, I have known and been with Esther for 46 years. Esther has been a passionate career mentor and coach who has helped transform the careers of loved ones, including youths.

May the praises of the readers reach our late parents in heaven. Congrats, Esther.

Oluyinka Somoye

B.Sc Economics, M.Sc Management

Government official, United Kingdom

At the outset, the author of “Mentorship Makes Sense” clearly states her aspiration for this book was to support individuals going through unem­ployment and career stagnation. This audience is not limited, as it was recognised that mentoring is a learning culture. For me, this book was incredible in working through what to look for in a potential mentor, and it serves a road map for my own mentoring journey.

Immediately I picked it up, as a student, I wanted to hook on a mentor, but I quickly remembered the recommendation in the book around being cautious in choosing mentors and matching a mentor's outlook with inner values. Students need good mentors as role models in desired businesses and careers. I par­ticularly like how thought-provoking questions are woven into each chapter, which allows a long pause to digest the current chapter before moving to another. I would like to see another edition expand more on the concept of inter-racial mentorship.

Michael Conde

Diligent Student

Someone once asked, “When does mentoring not make sense?” I am bold to answer that mentoring makes sense at all times, in all fields and in every sphere of human endeavours. Whether you are a professional seeking a successful career, a home­maker aiming to be a good parent, or a business entrepreneur, you surely need a mentor who will guide and support you on your journey to the top. A mentor would find it as a useful resource when contracting a new mentee while a mentee would equally benefit from this book as a compendium to go into a similar relationship that Esther shared here in her book.

This book is a departure from traditional men­toring books, focusing on practical experiences rather than just theories. Surely, you will find this book as a good sat-nav for your own mentoring journey. I highly recommend this book to you for a life imparting reading adventure that will help you reach the top of your calling.

Idowu J. Olowe

Leadership and Management Coach

Author of Discovering the Hidden Mysteries of the Kingdom

My view is that it is a well-written and fascinating manuscript. First, I like the fact that it is anecdotal, drawing on the author’s personal experiences which makes the book real and prac­tical. Also, she explored theories and best prac­tices to support the practical insights. The author’s reference to Homer’s Odyssey poem adds a fascinating intellectual edge. Another positive thing is that the book is informative and compre­hensive. It will serve as a good contribution to the body of knowledge. The book is impressive!

Dr. Olu Fasan

Lawyer and Politician Economist

Elegantly written, this vulnerable account of a mentee’s transition from career stagnation to success affirms the transformational power of mentoring when the process is shaped using the principles formulated in this book. “Mentorship Makes Sense” reveals insights into effective mentoring.

Lisa Allister

BA, Chartered Member CIPD

Employee Wellbeing Lead, Healthcare Sector

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